
Our Vision: A community free from family and domestic violence.
Our Mission: Empowering everyone to make informed decisions to end family and domestic violence in the community.

Our Values


Orana House exemplifies non-violent principles in all our work, and we ensure that our interactions are based on mutual respect and understanding while maintaining a safe environment for all.


Orana House promotes diversity in all its forms. In particular, we actively seek to combat racism and intolerance. We foster a diverse and culturally aware workforce and strive to understand and respond to the needs of the diverse individuals and communities with whom we work. Orana House makes no discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. We endeavour to relieve the pain of women and their children, being guided solely by their needs and prioritising the most urgent cases of distress.


Orana House works with a strength-based, trauma-informed approach, recognising and focusing on the inherent strengths of all people. We actively work to ensure that women and children are empowered to have a voice and be more able to take control of their own lives and environment. This includes providing support to develop their own goals and to access necessary resources, skills development, social connections and services to achieve those goals.


Orana House values its staff and is committed to growing and developing them as people, recognising their uniqueness, acknowledging their contributions and supporting their progress.


Orana House advocates on an individual, collective and systemic level. We promote and defend the rights and interests of families experiencing family and domestic violence and believe that ‘Everyone has the right to live free from family and domestic violence in all its forms.’ We work side-by-side with our families when they are facing challenging situations, dealing with uncertainty or being treated unfairly. Our advocacy aims to create independence through empowerment.


Orana House is committed to working in partnership with other family and domestic violence refuges, community groups, businesses, government and other not-for-profit organisations to identify and respond to community needs. Orana House seeks to complement rather than duplicate their efforts in order to promote positive outcomes for all stakeholders.

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