The SWitCH Centre

SWitCH (Supporting Women in the Community Holistically) is our locally-based, integrated wraparound service for women and children experiencing family and domestic violence. We recognised that for many women, support is needed many months and even years after the crisis is over, and we wanted to provide a safe, welcoming place for them to come for support at any point in their journey.
Since creating our SWitCH Outreach program in 2017, we have seen an increasing number of referrals to the service, both from women leaving our refuge as well as from local agencies on behalf of clients who have either left FDV situations or are still in them.
To meet this growing need, we prioritised setting up a separate location for the Outreach team as part of our three-year strategic plan (2020-2023)
Located in the City of Bayswater, The SWitCH Centre officially opened at the start of 2021 as a safe space where women could access outreach and aftercare services, including:
- Education and group programs for women and children
- Validation, support and understanding through individual case management and safety planning
- Options for housing and future independent living
- Legal, court and referral support to relevant services
- Various options for specific counselling services for women and children
- Educating wider community groups, services and the general public about FDV